Writing Centers
APA Resources and TemplatesOther Resources for Learning APA
APA Templates
APA 7th Edition Templates
The APA-style templates and sample pages below have been approved by program directors. Locate the appropriate template, click to open it, and save it. You can then type your own text into the document.
Keep in mind that these are only examples. Depending upon your topic and treatment of it, your paper may differ in number and types of headings and references.
General APA Template (Used for all programs not listed below)
General Papers (7th Ed.)
Capstone-Integration Paper Instructions.pdf
Capstone-Integration Paper Google Doc Template ( For Authoring-Click on the link and then “make a copy” of the file in order to edit)
Capstone- Integration Paper Final Submission Template (Complete the remaining sections and then copy and paste the contents of your Google doc)
Citing Codes of Ethics in Marriage and Family Therapy
Citation and Reference for DSM
Mental Measurement Yearbook
Business Administration Doctorate (DBA)
Dissertation (7th Ed.)
Education Masters
EDMA634 Action Research (7th Ed.)
Educational Administration, Ed. S
EDS-Thesis-manual (Updated August, 2023)
EDS template (7th Ed.)
Educational Leadership Doctorate (EdD)
EDDTemplate (7th Ed.)
Dissertation Page Number Format: Students MUST use the dissertation template. Download the template and start typing in that document.
Educational Leadership Masters (Ed Admin)
EL630/EL634 CapstoneTemplate (7th Ed.)
English as a Second Language (ESL) (MA)
Thesis Proposal (6th Ed.)
Health and Human Services Administration
HS698Capstone Template (7th Ed.)
HHSM 490 Research Paper Template (7th Ed.)
HHSM 304 Research Paper Template (7th Ed.)
Marriage and Family Therapy
General Papers (6th Ed.)
Integration Paper (6th Ed.)
Capstone Paper (Cohort Students 6th Ed.)
Capstone Paper (Cohort Students 7th Ed.)
Cite MFT Codes
Cite the DSM
Mental Measurement Yearbook
Police Science
Student Sample Capstone Paper (7th Ed.)
APA 7th Edition
APA stands for “American Psychological Association.” Outside the field of psychology, “APA” is shorthand for the writing style manual published by the APA, The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Saint Mary’s University has adopted the APA as the official style manual for its Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs. Use of the APA ensures that Saint Mary’s students have a solid stylistic foundation for their academic and professional writing.
Introduction to APA 7th Edition
To help you use the APA Manual, the SGPP Writing Center has developed an introductory guide called Introduction to the APA and Other Writing Tips. This booklet is available as a download from the Writing Center’s website (click on the image above). It is not a replacement for the APA manual, but it will help you get started, and it also provides some useful information about using Microsoft Word® for APA formatting.
The booklet contains an index at the end to facilitate online viewing without printing.
Other APA 7th Edition Information
The APA provides excellent resources on its APA Style Website, which you can access by clicking on the title. Among its best features is the APA Style Blog, where APA staff answer readers’ questions. The Blog features a search box for locating answers of interest to you.
APA 6th Edition Resources
6th edition resources are available through this Interactive
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